Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"So Come Out of Your Cave"

Let's do a catch-up, recap of sorts. Because the more I think about it, the more tiny bits of things I do have to say or tell, which would be far too much to try to cram into one post. And then I'd get daunted at the very thought of finishing it and what if I left something out and then I wouldn't post at all. And that's what I'm trying to avoid now. So we'll pretend that we're not-so-long-lost friends having lunch. There will be long awkward pauses but then I'll say "Oh yeah!..." and there will be another story, another something new-to-you to share.

So that's the setting. Now here is the recap.

I'm working, a part-time day job (aside from my nights and weekends retail standby, which, might I add, this was my 9th Christmas season), and have been for a teeny bit over a year. It's in the legal field, but even though I've got the card with my name and number on it, it is most definitely not as an attorney. It pays my very basic bills and every now and then I do learn something, and for those factors, I am thankful to be employed. Most of my interesting drama-filled stories as of late come courtesy of this work environment, but alas, the internet is not the time or place, especially not on a blog that bears my name and picture. I've got standards (and hopes and dreams).

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